Saturday, March 7, 2015

Day 32 In Nashville Without a Guitar

Jeremy and Amanda's

Mississippi River at Memphis
Arrived in Lebanon TN this afternoon after a 6 hour drive from Little Rock AR.  Lebanon is about 30 minutes East of Nashville. We’ll be staying for a while with Ruth’s nephew Jeremy and his wife Amanda and kids.  I had a heck of a drive though.  The Interstate from Little Rock to Nashville had more deep potholes than I thought possible.  Even the semi’s dodged and weaved all over the road to avoid them.  It was like playing “Wack a Mole” with my tires but I was “winning” a lot more than I wanted to.
Darling Wife
Of course the best part is my darling wife Ruth flew into Nashville last night.  We’ll be together for the next two weeks until she has to fly back home.  We have a lot of catching up to do…if you know what I mean.

…until tomorrow.

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