Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 72 Journeys End

Arrived home this afternoon. So good to be back and under the same roof with my darling wife Ruth again. It's been quite a journey I began that seems like an eternity ago. This blog started as more of a joke between Ruth and her girlfriends. They thought it would be fun if I kept them informed on the house building. Little did I know that it would be spread to Facebook.

In the course of over two months I had over 6300 page views, went though 8 states, drove 9636 miles, plus hit one unlucky deer.  And of course, used way too many nails.  I visited with family in San Antonio,  Nordheim, Yorktown, Fort Worth, and Realitos Texas, Lebanon Tennessee, New Llana Louisiana and Pasadena California.

My time with my cousin Dwight, wife Nancy and Uncle George and Aunt Jean was like being part of their family.  I was as welcome the last day as much as the first.  As far as being a carpenter l'm probably no better than when I started but Dwight and I had a great time together.  Probably talked too much but we did actually build a house most of the time!

Why did I do it? I needed to because I didn't feel my cousin should have to build their home by himself.

With that said it's time to close this blog. Thanks for your support and comments on my adventure. I've enjoyed our journey together.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 71 Surprise! Surprise!

After driving 800 miles yesterday it was nice just going 400 miles today. Left Holly and Garrett mid morning from Pasadena.  I had a good time visiting with them although I was still on Texas time and got up at 5 a.m.  Of course they didn't get up till 8!

Pulled into Sacramento around 5:30 p.m. after briefly fighting the traffic through the city. I walked up to the lobby of the hotel and noticed a woman standing behind a post. I nodded to her in passing and then did a double take. It was my darling wife Ruth! She had flown in that afternoon to surprise me. What a great way to finish my trip! Needless to say but tomorrow I'll only have one hand on the wheel while I drive...I'll be holding her hand with the other.

...until tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day 70 Goodbye Stephen, Hello Holly

Quite the day for driving. Left El Paso Texas in the morning and 13 hours and 800 miles later I'm in Pasadena California! Stephen and I continued our convoy all the way to Tucson Arizona where he has a new job. On the way I had trouble remembering to replace the gas cap every time I filled up.  Luckily I kept getting phone calls from Stephen telling me my fuel door was open. Unfortunately,  sometimes I was already down the road a spell before he noticed.

Made it to my niece Holly and her husband Garrett in Pasadena about 8 p.m. local time. Had dinner and got a little acquainted with Garrett before bed. In the morning I plan on staking out a spot on the street for the next Rose Parade. I think I'm in for a long wait.

...until tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 69 Oregon or Bust!

Still not out of Texas after driving over 550 miles. Of course El Paso is on the Texas New Mexico border so I guess we're pretty close.

Stephen and I were sitting here wondering what the Name El Paso means. Found out that if you are south of the Rio Grande River and you cross over you "el paso into the United States." Get it?! Okay, fine.

...until tomorrow.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Day 68 My Travel Buddy's Arrived!

I'm at my sister Merrily's today and just chilling.  Well maybe inside the house. It's a little warmer outside. 

My son  Stephen's just arrived.  He's moving from Louisiana to Tucson Arizona to start a job in his new status as a civilian.
Tomorrow we drive with all his possessions to El Paso. I'll follow along in my car for the 8 hour drive.  On Tuesday we'll continue on to Tucson and I'll keep going on to Pasadena California. What was I thinking when I planned that leg of the trip?!

...until tomorrow.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 67 Droning Around

Leaving the farm was hard but I'm heading north. Stopped in Yorktown to see my cousin Bonnie and her husband Tommy. Got to tour his sausage making equipment and smokehouse. Okay it's not that big an operation but he can smoke up to 200 pounds at a time.

Flew Tommy's drone around but they don't have any neighbors to spy on.  We did take a picture of us from about 50 feet up. Now that was the ultimate selfie!

... until tomorrow.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 66 Rain Again?! You're Kidding.

Started early to work on the north wall and then the heavens opened!  Moved indoors to work in the garage but the water followed us in until we made a dirt dam. I'm beginning to think we should have built an ark instead.

With a break in the deluge Dwight jumped in the bucket and I fired up the tractor and we finished the north wall before the rains started again.

As for me I'm headed north for a few days and then west. How far west? Home.

...until tomorrow.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Day 65 Up Goes the Siding

Dang, these Hardie board panels are heavy! They're made with cement which may make them "hardy" but certainly doesn't make them easy to handle. Dwight's bearing the brunt of the work as he's driving the screws through this stuff. I'm on the cusp of heading home so I'm probably getting more worthless.  At least I haven't been fired yet.

...until tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day 64 We can See Out a Window!

Since yesterday's terrific meal we've been put on bread and water until we accomplish something today. If we mix the bread and water and add some malt and barley will we get beer?

We finished wrapping the house.  Now all it needs is a big bow.  We even got the first window installed. Dwight wanted to hose down the window to see if it leaked but I didn't want to press our luck. Maybe we'll get a good meal out of the deal instead.

...until tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 63 All Alone at Work

Started the day working by myself. Dwight went to the big city and spent the morning with accounting issues. Boy will they be surprised when I finish the house while they're gone. Not.

We all went out to lunch when Dwight got back.  Headed south to Lala's in Mirando City just shy of Laredo for an authentic Mexican meal. Then we headed toward Zapata to see the "Canyon".  It turned out to be a very big "dip" in the road. Drove past before I could even get my camera out. Turned around for the drive back and had to stop at a border patrol inspection.  Could have sworn we never left the U.S.  Border agent asked if we were Americans.  Dwight replied, "Si".

...until tomorrow.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 62 The Wraps the Thing

Time to batten down the hatches!  We started covering the walls with house wrap. It's probably easier than asphalt paper but a better seal against water especially if we tape the crap out of it. Knowing our style of building we'll use more material then we need. At least it's not going to collapse unless it's under its own weight!

...until tomorrow.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Day 61 Happy Easter From South Texas

Perfect weather for an Easter egg hunt. There must be more than one Easter bunny because there were eggs everywhere!  After church we had dinner at the farm.  The little ones had fun especially when they found out that some of the eggs were filled with confetti.  I'm just glad they weren't real or the yolk would have been on me!

...until tomorrow.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 60 It's Starting to Look Like a House

To all those who hate snakes there'll be no more mention of them even if I get swallowed. I laid a rope around the job site so they won't crawl over.  Pretty smart don't you think!

The pole barn finally looks more like a house than a stable. That's a good thing until the tax assessor comes calling. We finished putting the sheathing on the North and East walls and we're now cutting out the window openings.  We complained about the wind for so long we want a little breeze inside so it's not so hot.  It's always something.

...until tomorrow.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Day 59 Snakes! I Hate Snakes!

The heat is here and so are the rattlesnakes. Apparently the cold wet winter is good for snakes. The last two days I've seen 4 rattlesnakes. Buddy killed one on the fence line he's building and one attacked us at the building site.  I spotted it while I was perched on a ladder. Dwight jumped down from the scaffolding and went after it with a 2 by 4! They're fine I suppose out in the field but we don't need them outside the front door.  Anyway,  I'm sure not going to relieve myself in the tall grass anymore.

...until tomorrow.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 58 Trust Exercise

We decided to take more shortcuts today. Instead of setting the tractor bucket close to the wall, and using a ladder to get up, Dwight gets in the bucket on the ground and I raise him and the material all the way.  I thought that Dwight had confidence in my skills but then I saw the dog run away every time he saw me get behind the controls.  Makes you wonder who the smart one was.

...until tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 57 The Tractor Mann

Dwight's becoming quite the carpenter now.  Why just the other day he cut a board with a skill saw across his knee.  And today he did some manual nailing.  It's what we call a primitive technique otherwise known as BAH or "before air hammer."

This afternoon,  Dwight taught me how to operate a tractor with a front loader. I even dug up a tree for practice.  I got so overconfident that when I got back to the farm I dug up Aunt Jeans roses...sorry.

...until tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 56 Not as Homesick as I Thought

Last night l was feeling rather down. I know I'm ready to head for home but I thought I was getting homesick.  Nah, it was more of a different kind of sick. I probably shouldn't explain how I know.

While I was gone yesterday and  this morning in  San Antonio, Dwight was getting the jobsite surveyed for a land swap. I sure hope the county guy knows how to use an auto level transit better than Dwight and I or we might get a piece of China.

...until tomorrow.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 55 Finding the Easy Way

Another day on the job site and getting ready to put up the sheathing on the East wall. The first time we moved the sheathing from one side of the building to the other we used a toy wagon to haul two sheets at a time. This time we got smart and loaded 10 sheets on the back of an atv and away we went!

Megan continued her whirlwind trip this afternoon. I drove her to the San Antonio airport by way of a George Strait Store aka The Tractor Supply Store. Just had to get some John Deere clothes.  She had a great but brief time on the farm. Now she's headed to El Paso. Who willingly goes to El Paso?

...until tomorrow.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day 54 A Day to Relax

Nice relaxing stay with cousin Gary.  Slept in to 7:30 am this morning.  Gary and I solved most of the world's problems by noon. Then Gary, Megan, and I got in the atv and headed out to check fences.  Of course we made the obligatory stop at the gun range aka garbage pit for some target practice.

Headed South sometime after 4, back to Realitos and the house project.  Megan will have a little time there before I put her on a plane to her next destination. Maybe Megan can show them how to raise alpacas before she goes.

...until tomorrow.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day 53 I'd Lose My Head If it Wasn't Attached

Took the weekend off and drove up to my cousin Gary in Nordheim. On the way there I stopped for lunch in Three Rivers. I'm sitting there eating and in walk my cousin Nancy and Aunt Georgie! They were on their way to a wedding shower in Tilden.

I packed lightly in a small suitcase this morning because I'm so smart.  However, that's not the suitcase that I put in my car. So now I don't have my prescriptions for my high blood pressure, diarrhea,  cholesterol, constipation...

What the heck?!  My daughter Megan just walked in the door!  She must have turned left instead of right at the Oregon border.

...until tomorrow. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Day 52 I Worked Way Too Hard

Dwight had to be a rancher today leaving Nancy and me to work on the job site by ourselves. We put up the last of the stringers (whatever that is) from the top of the ladders.  Good thing we didn't watch "Vertigo" last night ( sorry Cindy Peck, another movie you'll have to watch) or I might have fallen off the ladder.

I will spend the rest of the afternoon filling in the gaps between the stringers (there's that word again) so we can start covering the walls with wood sheathing next week.

...until tomorrow.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 50 Cow 46 Where Are You?

Get a-long little doggie
Today we have to do a little mini cattle drive.  A new fence line is going in so the herd had to be moved.  Of course a cow and her calf had to turn up missing so we took off to the open range (field) on our horses (ATV’s) and rounded her up.  I had to take the herding dog with me (dachshund) but the dog wouldn’t get off my lap and work so Uncle George and Dwight had to chase the cow.

Meanwhile back at the job site we finished cutting out the door and window on the South side and are now working on the West.  The work continues at our usual breakneck speed.  I’m so thankful for camping chairs.

…until tomorrow.

Day 51 Picture Perfect Windows

We began our day by continuing framing the East wall.  This was the first major wall that has windows in it so we stopped and mounted a window to see if we framed it correctly.  Of course being the master amateur carpenters that we are it was a perfect fit.

While this was going on a Pacific front came though with wind gusts of 30 mph.  While we were taking our first coffee break, thunder rumbled across the sky.  We were perfect electrical grounds sitting in our metal camp chairs under a metal roof, so the house was in no danger of catching fire from a lightning strike.

...until tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 49 I'm Not a Morning Person

Ruth and I got up at 3:45 am to get ready and go to the airport.  We stayed at my sister Merrily's and luckily it's only 20 minute drive to SAT.  Still it was hard to say goodbye with my work trip lasting another 3 weeks before I head home.  As  soon as I dropped off Ruth I headed off into the darkness and headed South back to the farm.  I turned on the GPS just so I would have someone to jar me-\awake when I needed to make a turn.  When I was in my 20's I used to go to work at 4:30 am.  I would wash my face, grab a Pepsi and a Snickers Bar and open the branch post office before the first load of mail arrived.  I discovered that I still don't like getting up that early.  Arrived at the farm 3 1/2 hours later before most everyone had woken up.  At least I didn't miss breakfast.

...until tomorrow.

Day 48 Darling Wife Homeward Bound

Monday was Ruth's last day in Texas...or so we thought.  We headed to San Antonio for her 7:45 pm flight only to find out that the Phoenix leg of the trip to Portland had a 3 hour delay because of wind.  With a 3 hour layover to begin with it would be 2:00 am arrival and still a 2 hour drive back to Eugene.  So...we changed her flight to Tuesday at 5:40 am.  That gave us time to go shopping at the Market Square in downtown San Antonio.  I thought I had moths in my wallet but it was 20 dollar bills flying out instead.  We should have had dinner on the Riverwalk but duh, I didn't think of it.

...until tomorrow.