Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 50 Cow 46 Where Are You?

Get a-long little doggie
Today we have to do a little mini cattle drive.  A new fence line is going in so the herd had to be moved.  Of course a cow and her calf had to turn up missing so we took off to the open range (field) on our horses (ATV’s) and rounded her up.  I had to take the herding dog with me (dachshund) but the dog wouldn’t get off my lap and work so Uncle George and Dwight had to chase the cow.

Meanwhile back at the job site we finished cutting out the door and window on the South side and are now working on the West.  The work continues at our usual breakneck speed.  I’m so thankful for camping chairs.

…until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Badger knows when he's got it good! I tried to find that stinkin' cow before I left but she was hiding too good!
